Economic benefits of Canadian public sector pension plans
As an organization dedicated to engaging dialogue on public pension plans in Canada, we’re always looking for new ways to fill retirement research gaps. For our latest report, we thought long and hard about what kind of research would lead to better fact-based decisions that benefit Canada and Canadians. We commissioned the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis to study the economic contribution public sector pension plans bring to the economy – the first research of its kind to analyze this contribution from all Canadian public sector pension plans.
What the report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis reveals
The economy of every community in Canada is positively impacted by public sector pension plan activity, whether through the work of active members and their employers, retired members’ pension-related spending, or through the local investment activities that pension plans perform on behalf of their members.
Report highlights

Read the full report
The full report provides additional information to highlight the value provided by public sector pension plans. Take a look at the full report here: Economic Benefits of Canadian Public Sector Pension Plans.